Sunday, October 12, 2014

Special Challenges Of The Morbidly Obese

Originally Posted by Pam Turner on 01/08/11:

In the 10 years I have been a Cambridge Diet distributor I have had the good fortune of meeting some of the most amazing people from all over the country that I never would have met otherwise. A small percentage of these people are in the catagory of what is referred to as the "super morbidly obese" or those that have more then 200 pounds to lose. In general the average customer that I start has anywhere from 80 to 120 pounds they want to lose. Most people that find themselves in that range feel overwhelmed at the job ahead, but not hopeless. That tends to change once the number gets to 200, 300, or more. Diabetes and high BP are common for people in the average catagory, but once you get in to the higher numbers you can be dealing with serious conditions like lymphodema, infections and immobility. Many of these people become housebound and can't easily seek medical care when needed.  Often times they  have had to learn to bury their desires and talents while their world becomes very small and unfullfilled. Simple things like having a job, riding in a car, or going to the movies become too difficult or even impossible.  The emotional impact can be life threatening as well with depression and suicidal thoughts. The main thing that needs to happen is a restoration of hope. Once that takes place these amazing people tap in to a strength and determination that most others never have to find. Cambridge is a wonderful tool, but the real change has to occur in the mind and heart of the person with a new beliefe in their ability to change their life for the better. I absolutely love working with them! It is truly a previlage to be part of their lives as they go through the experience of redescovering their authentic selves.

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