Sunday, October 12, 2014

Do you know who your Distributor is, or isn't?

Originally Posted by Pam Turner on 02/28/11:

I have been a distributor with Cambridge for over 10 years now this time around. It's different now than it was 30 years ago when Cambridge was first on the market. Back then people came to the house to pick up product so you always knew who your customers were and there was never any confusion who they were buying from because you were the one handing it to them! Now it is quit a different deal. Everything is on the Internet now. Distributors can put up a website and link to the company shopping cart and customers can order online. I rarely ever physically meet any of my customers now except electronically by email, support board, facebook or text. They are spread all over the country and it's a wonderful thing getting to "meet" people from all over. However, it does have it's disadvantages...

Typically someone will find Cambridge either because they were looking for it specifically, or they accidentally found it while surfing looking for a diet to try. They may see a lot of websites listed and just start searching through them. Usually once they find mine at and read my story they contact me. I may exchange emails for a few days or weeks, but I'm always happy when they decide to call because then I get to actually speak with them and hear their story. I can go over their questions and concerns and then help them decide what program will be best for them. They then go online and place their order...only unfortunately it is not always through me as they intended. Often times they have wandered to another distributors site without realizing it is someone else, or they just go directly to the company site and order there assuming that they will still have me to work with. It is hard for me to catch it when this happens as the company does not ask people if they have been working with someone before processing their order so I continue working with them thinking that they are my customer when in fact, they are not. 

If I'm lucky enough to realize this mistake I can contact the company and let them know the customer was under the impression they had ordered from me and could they please put them in my group. If the order went to another distributor it can't be changed and then I am forced to cut ties with them so as not to step on the toes of the person they ordered from. Of course the customer can place their next order through me on this site (as long as they are retail and have not signed up for a distributorship already with another Distributor) and then it will stay that way unless they accidentally wander off again! lol! It can be confusing for the customers and frustrating for the distributors who are trying to be available to the clients that need them.

 As a retail customer you are a free agent and can order from whomever you choose. This is a good thing as it can sometimes take some time to find the one that is best for you to work with. Not all Distributors are created equally and most do not invest the time and energy in to their customers as I do. Once you decide to sign up for a Distributorship, whether to buy your own products wholesale or to sell, you are then tied to that Distributor and can't change without it being a bit of a pain so be sure you like the person you are working with and that they are available to you. The first priority is your success and it is my #1 concern as well. I am not doing this to build a giant organization or to get rich ,(although that would be ok!) but to satisfy my desire to help as many people as I can to find their way back to health and happiness as I did. My customers have my undivided attention when they need it

So if it was your intention to use me as your Distributor then please be sure to originate your ordering from my site at . Anywhere else will be another Distributor or maybe no one at all and just going in to the company. If you are not sure where your orders have been going then just email me your first and last name and I can check it for you. I appreciate your business as it supports my efforts to continue to run this site and be available to my customers. 

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