Sunday, October 12, 2014

One More Reason Why I Love Cambridge!

Originally Posted by Pam Turner on 07/18/13:
It was a hot muggy day today and I spent more of it outside then usual.
My pool is getting shocked right now (it was florescent green) so I couldn't jump in to cool off my overheated brains.

I had my Cambridge Oats and a cup of coffee this morning as usual. Lunch time I was out running errands and I didn't get home until 2. I had lots of groceries to put away and organize so I made a quick shake to tide me over. I got started on dinner for the fam and got even MORE hot and the green pool was mocking me! I try not to have the oven on but tonight required it. UGGG!!!! My hubby got home from work at 6 and I got his food for him and just couldn't bear to eat a bite. I made another shake and it was so lovely, icy, and delicious! It is so nice on a hot day like this to have an alternative to eating.

So today without intending to, I sole sourced. Summer time is a great time to make a lot of progress on your weight loss. When it's hot and yucky it feels good to not be loaded down with a lot of food in your stomach. It's too hot to cook anyway! Take advantage of this hot weather and enjoy your nice frosty shakes.

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