Sunday, October 12, 2014

Getting Unstuck

Originally Posted by Pam Turner on 03/10/13:
If you are still bundled up and not yet facing shorts and tiny tops then you still have time to make a ton of progress before the snow melts! Don't wait another week. If you haven't already ordered your Cambridge there is no better time then now. If you are already working the program and maybe feeling a little like your goal is still a long ways away, or you are settling in to some non-progressive habits, now is the time to revitalize your program with some changes. If you haven't started any kind of exercise then that may be just what you need to recharge and renew your focus. Or, maybe you need to change up what you've been doing and try something new. Grab a friend and find a Zumba class or go hiking if the weather permits. Movement is a great anti-depressant. It gets the endorphins and blood flowing and the muscles and mind energized.

Some of you have been working towards a long term goal and I applaud your stick-to-it-ness. When you have 100 or 200 or more pounds to lose it can seem like it's taking forever even though Cambridge offers you faster results then anything else out there. This time will pass, whether you spend it Cambridging or eating junky take-out. You can either be closer to your ultimate goal..or worse off then you are now or stuck. Even under the best of circumstances (which Cambridge gives you) losing weight is hard. Overcoming food addictions and behaviors is hard. Living in a food obsessed culture is HARD and doing something like Cambridge can feel socially isolating. Hang in there. I promise you this is worth any sacrifice you may now feel you are making. In hindsight, once I had lost my weight I wondered why I had wasted so much of my life before in such misery and denial. The time it took me to lose that first 120 pounds seems like a blink of an eye, but at the time it seemed like an eternity.

Stick with it, do something to shake it up (no pun intended!) and find ways to celebrate every day you succeed with your plan. You are doing something amazing. In this age of weight loss surgery being touted as the ONLY way a person can accomplish losing over 100 pounds, you are proving the truth, that we each have within ourselves the power to create tremendous change in our own life. Don't give your control over to someone or something else. When you take control of yourself and do the work, you will be filled with a sense of pride that no amount of food could ever equal.

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