Originally Posted by Pam Turner on 03/18/12:
When I research the keywords that draw people to my site, this is the one most often used, "How to lose 100 pounds fast". There are two things to note here, one that being 100+ pounds overweight has become common all over the world and two.. that no one wants to endure the complicated process of trying to lose on a conventional food diet. Most diets can give you 1/2 to 2 pounds at most per week. If you are looking at 100 or more to lose you are also looking at a year or more to do it on a diet like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig . The slow rate of loss coupled with the amount of planning and preparing they require can be discouraging and ultimately the reason to quit. I speak from experience.
I started going to WW when I was 9 years old. I went all through my growing up years and in to adulthood. I would lose some weight, but never get to goal because it took so long, the meetings cost money and I hated the weigh-ins. Like most I employed some dieters tricks to see some loss on the scale. I would cheat throughout the week and then on weigh in day I wouldn't eat anything accept asparagus. Asparagus is a natural diuretic and could usually be good for a half pound or more on the scale of temporary loss. As soon as that meeting let out you would see all the people go across the street to a restaurant to go get ice cream ! In spite of their best efforts to teach everyone how to lose and keep it off, it was all a game for most of us. Get away with what you could and then starve for weigh in day. No lessons learned there. I am often told by prospective clients that the new WW doesn't work for them. Back in the day when they were very specific on what you ate it did work, but now there is too much freedom and it's too easy to make a mistake or cheat.
After a lifetime of dieting and gaining and dieting and gaining I have finally jumped off that track and have spent the past 11 years enjoying my freedom from obesity and food obsession. Had it not been for Cambridge I would still be in that trap...if I were still alive that is. It is likely I would be in a wheelchair by now from all the arthritis and the diabetes and heart disease I had suffered from for most of my late 20's, 30's and entering in to my 40's. I was almost there at the age of 42. Had I not lost the weight and regained my health I shudder to think what I would have gone through by now.
Everything that had plagued me for most of my life could be tracked back to lifestyle choices. That is the case for the majority of you reading this. If you caused it, you can correct it. If you make a mistake writing a letter, do you just say "Oh well, I had nothing to do with that so I guess there is nothing I can do to fix it"? Of course not! You delete or erase and correct it. The choices you have made in your life that have brought you to the point you are at right now are all within your power to change. Your body is designed to forgive the mistakes you make. If you cut your finger, does it not heal? If you break a bone or get a bruise or a sprain... pretty much anything you do to it... your body will make every effort to fix, repair, rebuild and restore to health and balance. In spite of its current challenges in dealing with your weight and the health problems that come with it, you haven't died. Keeping in mind that it is your body itself that has fought to stay alive and functioning, can you imagine what it can do if you begin supporting it in it's efforts? Wow!
Cambridge is not a magic snake oil in a can. It is not a cure for obesity. It has no power to prevent you from going back to your old habits as soon as you lose the weight, only you have that power. What it is, is a method for you to lose your weight at the fastest rate possible. What you will lose is fat and not muscle or bone or other lean tissues. This was documented in the 11 years of research that was done on the product. Typically when people lose weight rapidly through calorie deprivation on a crash type diet they are losing a good amount of things they don't want to lose. Surgical weight loss is a good example of this. These people lose their weight through malnutrition and malabsorption. A good amount of those pounds will be muscle and bone and there is the potential for organ damage etc. On Cambridge you are feeding your body better then you likely are now, but the low calories (keeping in mind that a cal is not a nutrient, but a way to measure how much energy is produced from the food) allow you to burn fat like crazy! It gives your body the chance to do what it does best...heal.
There are lots of ways to lose 100 pounds fast, but only one that I know of that is safe...Cambridge! I lost 94 pounds in 4.5 months and went on to lose a total of 120 11 years ago. I had no reason to think I was capable of accomplishing that in the beginning, but it didn't take long for me to realize that Cambridge was the tool and I had what it took to use it to build my new life. You do too.
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