Sunday, October 12, 2014


Originally Posted by Pam Turner on 09/16/11:

It is necessary to accept the fact that no one is ever perfect on this or any other diet. We have to expect the occasional misstep or we are in as much denial as we were when eating a whole pizza. Being able to recognize when you are getting off track is an important part of being successful. That's true of any endeavor, be it business, family, health or dieting. We all need to make progress checks along the way, identify any potential pitfalls and make corrections. There is no room for perfectionism or judgments or negativity. Only progressive positive thinking.

The world is not kind to people that are overweight. We are made to feel like outsiders. I used to feel like it wasn't only my clothes that I didn't fit in to, but the world. It was made for thin people and there was no place for someone like me. It makes it easy to hide and not be a full active participant in life. I was always on the outside looking in. When your self concept is centered on all the things you see wrong about yourself, how do you muster up the energy to start putting yourself first? If you're fat, you are already used to thinking of yourself as a failure. That's a hard label to rip off.

I guess my message today is this...You are a worthy human being. You are made out of the same stuff as the thin girl or the tall man or the blond blue eyed beach babe or the high fashion model or the friend whose life always seems to go so smoothly or that brand new baby who's life story is yet to be written. We are all basically the same. What makes us different are the choices we make, the environment we are living in, the circumstances we are born in to and sometimes just dumb luck. It's not what we are given, but what we do with what we have.

The person you are right now is just as valuable as the person you aspire to be once you lose the weight. If you're thinking otherwise then you need to adjust your thinking! If you have been struggling with staying focused there is no better time then right now to recommit. Don't recommit to the diet, recommit to yourself. We all know that commercial for Life Alert where the old lady is laying on the ground and she is calling for help saying "I've fallen and I can't get up!". When we fall the goal is always to get back up. Sometimes we need help and that's what I'm here for. Never be afraid to ask for help and never give up. It's never too late to recommit.

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