Originally Posted by Pam Turner on 08/17/12:
Just like your car, if you kept putting gas in it but you never turn it on and go anywhere it will begin to spill out and get out of control. There is only so much a gas tank can hold. It would be great if we were self regulating and only able to consume exactly what our body will use like a gas tank, but unfortunately our fuel source is abundant and all around us.
People that contact me usually get freaked out at the low calorie content of Cambridge. I have to remind them that a calorie is not a nutrient like protein or carbohydrates. It is only a way to measure the amount of energy food produces in the body. As long as you have stored body fat you have calories. Imagine that chunk of fat in your body. If you could reach in and pluck it out and put it on the dinning room table, would that make an impression on you? It sure would for me!
Our bodies store fat and sugar for a reason. We were never made to live in the abundance that we do now. If we were designed for that then we would have a self regulating mechanism that would prevent us from consuming too much fuel. Not only that, but the foods we eat are mostly void of nutrition and have no other function then to be stored. We are calorie hoarders ! If you watch that show "Hoarders" then you get the picture of what I'm saying. The chaos you see in those houses is similar to what your body is dealing with. People stuff their houses with garbage and useless junk until the house is literally deteriorating around them. They are drowning in junk. You body is suffering the same stress load trying desperately to manage all the garbage and fat/junk that you keep forcing in every day. It's time to clean house!
If we begin to look at food as it was intended to be for us which is fuel then we begin the process of restoring balance and health. I used to feel imprisoned by my body and fat. I understand now that it was my own thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and actions that had me in prison...all stuff that I had the power to change in a heartbeat.
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